Mari Lynn Patrick, Lace Top #23, Vogue Knitting Holiday 2005

Designer: Mari Lynn Patrick, Short Row Shaping Lace Top #23
Magazine: Vogue Knitting Holiday 2005, Page 23
I just finished knitting the High Neck Lace Top #23 from Vogue Knitting Holiday 2005 magazine issue. This pattern (and alas, MOST Vogue Knitting patterns, SO frustrating- haven't they heard of proofing the patterns?) contains MANY uncorrected errors. Some of them are listed below with my take on a fix for the problem instruction set.
I used the discontinued KFI Cashmereno DK in #03 lilac-pink in place of the #301ecru color Anny Blatt Kanpurr 100% silk, as the yardage and wrap count were perfect for making the suggested gauge.
The error found in Row 2 of Front which reads:"K2*K1,(K1,P1,P1) into "made" st of previous row;rep from *, end K2", should be corrected to: "K2*K1,(K1,P1,K1) into "made" st of previous row;rep from *, end K2"
I found another error at Chart 2's 6 st-12 row section (chart definitions) for the knot stitch listed as: “Knot Stitch (K1,P1,K1) into 1 st, turn, K3tog” as this leaves the completed knot stitch on the left needle once you have turned back to the WS to purl the next stitch.
I have two possible “fixes” for this annoying problem:
1. Once turned back to the WS, I slipped the completed knot stitch back to the right needle as if to purl, then continue with the next stitch as the pattern calls for. This would be written as “(K1.P1,K1) into 1 st, turn, K3tog, S1 AS IF TO PURL, TURN”.
I have two possible “fixes” for this annoying problem:
1. Once turned back to the WS, I slipped the completed knot stitch back to the right needle as if to purl, then continue with the next stitch as the pattern calls for. This would be written as “(K1.P1,K1) into 1 st, turn, K3tog, S1 AS IF TO PURL, TURN”.
2. Re-write as: “(K1.P1,K1) into 1 st leaving stitches on right needle (DO NOT TURN-STAY ON WS) re-knit these 3 newly-made stitches as K3tog (by sliding left needle back into all three loops and knitting into it)”
At the end instruction in the "BEG Chart 2" section, do NOT "Work 1 WS row even" as you have already finished the WS row when your decrease rows have been worked.
I had considerable trouble binding off the Neck Shaping stitches so that they "flowed" smoothly. Even with slipping the first stitch as suggested in an article by Nicky Epstien, these still twisted and looked lumpy. One other thing that drove me nuts was that there was NO info or instructions on HOW to bind off both sides at once in the Neck Shaping section, I finally had to bind off on different sides for the right side shaping than I did for the left side shaping, or else my yarn was not in position to go on. This is the section I would like help doing more elegantly, what would you suggest? I am making a second sweater for a girlfriend, so this is still of interest to learn.
At "Back Armhole Shaping" section, first line states "Work as for back armhole - 69 &3,75) sts." Obviously, that should read "Work as for Front armhole - 69 & 73,75) sts."
Please post any futher errors you might have found, and the fixes you used to knit through these problem areas? Maybe together we can post corrections to Vogue, so that the next person who attempts this very pretty top, doesn't have to struggle through the errors like we did! Can you please post this to your site, as it was unclear how to do that.
Thanks, Candice Massey
Thanks, Candice Massey
Thank you for taking the time to write these errors up for other knitters. I appreciate the color coding!
Cynthia Naanes
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